La saga de los confines by Liliana Bodoc. A dialogue author-reader-culture


  • Maria Susana Sagrillo Facultad de Educación, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo


Bodoc, La saga de los confines, utopia, context, literature


The early diffusion of La saga de los confines by Liliana Bodoc leads us to analyze the reasons for this impact. This article proposes some of the reasons, based on strategies used by the writer to achieve the adhesion of the reader to the cause of the Fertile Lands and, consequently, to consider or rethink their position against the official history, on the one hand, and against the dominant discourses, on the other. The general frame of reference comes from the theoretical contributions of the Semiotics of Culture, by Iuri Lotman, and by Michail Bachtin, especially the importance of the culture in which all works arise and in which they are interpreted and the constant dialogue between the author, the reader and the work, with that culture.

Author Biography

Maria Susana Sagrillo, Facultad de Educación, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo

Profesora y Licenciada en Letras y Mgtr. en Lectura y Escritura.


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Lotman, Iuri (1996) La semiosfera I. Semiótica de la cultura y del texto. Madrid: Frónesis.

Richard, Nelly (2007). Fracturas de la memoria. Buenos Aires: Siglo XXI.

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How to Cite

Sagrillo, M. S. (2018). La saga de los confines by Liliana Bodoc. A dialogue author-reader-culture. Boletín GEC, (22), 187–198. Retrieved from