Care Diaries

Times and Modes of Writing in Vulnerability


  • Francisco Gelman Constantin Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET) / Universidad de Buenos Aires


Diaries, Care, Illness, Disability, Temporality


Julia Coria’s Todo nos sale bien (2019) and Leonor Silvestri’s Games of Crohn. Diario de una internación (2017) can be read as care diaries which allow for a contribution of literary studies to research into the issue of care as a social responsability concerning the sustainment of life. It is rendered the way in which writing can act over ways of care in the assemblage of networks, the modulation of the affects that circulate through the relationships in establishing a tone, and the organization of the time strata imbricated in convalescence, attention to the self and tending to others.


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How to Cite

Gelman Constantin, F. (2020). Care Diaries: Times and Modes of Writing in Vulnerability. Cuadernos Del CILHA, (32), 79–104. Retrieved from