"Divided into two parts the affair" Discrepancy around comedies in the Spanish Golden Age


  • María Isabel Becerra de Cardozo Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo


Spanish Theatre, Spanish Golden Age, Lope de Vega, Social history of culture


In 17th-century Spain, the representations in the corrals of comedies meant much more than a diversion and therefore provoked a wide controversy around this so Spanish custom, which was transformed into a true "national fever".

From the studies carried out by José Antonio Maravall, AgostinaSarracino and Ignacio Arellano on the controversy surrounding the representations of comedies and subsequent regulations, we propose to make a contribution from a Social history perspective of The current culture that is connects with the 4th Annals. We propose the possibility of identifying possible arguments about the lawfulness or benefits of the representations, from the analysis of the sources published in the collection of sources for the history of the theatre in Spain, and of the famous new art of making comedies of Lope de Vega.

The research works that study the subject usually go from, among other things, the relations between power and culture from a political perspective, so we propose to turn a little attention of the political without disregarding it to try to identify the relations Social and cultural system that contains them.



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