

Claudio Maíz
Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET), Universidad Nacional de Cuyo (UNCUYO), Argentina


Cuadernos del CILHA, vol. 20, núm. 2, p. 10, 2019

Universidad Nacional de Cuyo


In this year 2019, the Cuadernos del CILHA celebrate 20 years of uninterrupted existence. Nothing simple in a context of many difficulties for academic journals that collect research of excellence from different Latin American or world centers. When the Los cuadernos del CILHA are founded, with the accompaniment of Dr. Alicia Sarmiento, who also created the research center for Spanish-American literature, Argentine academic publications were experiencing a stage of incipient maturity, especially those that had support from universities. The journey from those years that were difficult to maintain both periodicity and quality, came to bear fruit already entered the 21st century. The magazine was making its academic space and obtaining quality marks through the indexations achieved. It is a stage in which the work of Dr Ramiro Zó, editor of the Notebooks, was fundamental. We have begun a new stage that we hope will be accompanied by other successes and recognitions, knowing that our work has the reward of knowing that we contribute to the knowledge of our Latin American literary culture.

This number

In this volume we have gathered a series of articles by Argentine researchers and a Colombian researcher. The approach of problems linked to the Argentine literary culture constitutes for us a significant contribution in that a magazine of Latin American literary studies also deals with Argentine issues and problems. The exception is the work of Orfa Kelita Vanegas Vásquez, as we will see, deals with a Colombian conflict that has no continental repercussions.

The work of Dr. Crespo, a researcher at CONICET, is of great interest because she has managed to immerse herself in a theme such as that of the anthologies from the perspective of the epistolary discourse and the intellectual networks that are formed from the letters. The researcher also realizes that at the center of the reticular dynamics was the figure of Juan María Gutiérrez. We are facing a largely self-centered network.

Juan Ignacio Pisano of the Universidad de of Buenos Aires, also refers to the figure of Juan María Gutiérrez although from the perspective of the archive, since a poem, "El canto del huaso", which had passed through Gutiérrez's hands, does not arrive however to be published until the twentieth century after almost two centuries. Pisano asks several questions about the causes of this silence in the archive. Thus the file also becomes the subject of debate. Dr. Orfa Kelita Vanegas Vásquez addresses the issue of resentment in the Colombian narrative. The novels you study give rise to what the researcher calls "an aesthetic of resentment" leading to a valuable renewal of the Colombian narrative. José Daniel Benclowicz of the Instituto de Investigaciones en Diversidad Cultural y Procesos del Cambio(CONICET)of niversidad Nacional de Río Negro, addresses a stage of the anarchist magazine Nervio, under the dictatorship of Félix Uriburu and the beginning of the regime of Agustín P. Justo. It is a period of struggles and persecutions on the left, however, Nervio magazine opened the way in that context. Finally, Carla Andrea Riggio of the Universidad Nacional de Cuyo deals with a regional theme: the end of harvest celebration, through the National Harvest Festival, in the province of Mendoza. Celebration and a show have been part of the policies affected for decades.

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