Finite (Hausdorff) dimension of plants and roots as indicator of ontogeny


  • Juan M. Alonso (BIOS)-IMASL-CONICET. Universidad Nacional de San Luis. Ejército de Los Andes 950. 5700 San Luis. Argentina
  • Juan Agustín Alvarez Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Almirante Brown 500. CP 5505. Chacras de Coria. Luján de Cuyo. Mendoza. Argentina.
  • Cecilia Vega Riveros IANIGLA-CCT Mendoza-CONICET. Avda. Ruiz Leal s.n. Parque General San Martín. cc. 330. Mendoza. Argentina.
  • Villagra Pablo Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Almirante Brown 500. CP 5505. Chacras de Coria. Luján de Cuyo. Mendoza. Argentina.


fractal dimension, finite (Hausdorff) dimension, plant architecture, plant development


The architecture of plants responds to endogenous processes and to the influence of environmental factors. The allometric study of architecture has been a challenge for biology. We define a new finite (Hausdorff) dimension of plants, that considers both the aerial part and the roots, and compute examples. This new finite dimension was introduced recently and, in contrast to the classical Hausdorff dimension, is not zero on finite sets. We propose the finite dimension, as a function of time, as a "signature" of the plant or root. Our first results suggest that the signature is specific to each plant species and its growth period, and constitutes an objective metric that allows to study its ontogenesis in detail.






Ecophysiology and crop management