Rainfall in Azul and its relationship with the phenomenon el Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO)


  • Carlos Alberto Vilatte Facultad de Agronomía. Universidad del Centro de la provincia de Buenos Aires (UNCPBA). Av. República de Italia 780 (7300). Azul, Buenos Aires. Argentina
  • Adriana Elisabet Confalone Facultad de Agronomía. Universidad del Centro de la provincia de Buenos Aires (UNCPBA). Av. República de Italia 780 (7300). Azul, Buenos Aires. Argentina
  • Laura María Aguas Facultad de Agronomía. Universidad del Centro de la provincia de Buenos Aires (UNCPBA). Av. República de Italia 780 (7300). Azul, Buenos Aires. Argentina


rainfall, ENSO, interaction


The aim of this paper was to verify whether there is a correlation between rainfall conditions that occurred in Azul, Buenos Aires (Lat 36º45' S; 59º57' W and Long altitude 137 m), between 1950 - 2015, and thermal anomalies generated in ENSO episodes in its warm phases - El Niño (EN) and cold - La Niña (LN), using a monthly series and annual rainfall. The annual rainfall showed a slight positive trend in the case of EN and below the central tendency for LN; however, these differences were not significant at 5% probability. In the monthly scale very low values were found in the Pearson Index, where only for the process LN, and June (IP 0.5692), the linear relationship and t-Student analysis were slightly significant, 5%. Therefore, the existence of a change in the local rainfall regime in the years in which this process was present cannot be confirmed.






Natural resources and environment