Variability and correlations of traits related to seedling vigor in two natural populations of Pappophorum vaginatum Buckley


  • Lisandro José Entio Fac. Ciencias Agrarias y Forestales, Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Calle 60 y 119 s/n, tel/fax +542214236758, La Plata (C. P. 1900), Buenos Aires, Argentina.
  • María de la Merced Mujica Fac. Ciencias Agrarias y Forestales, Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Calle 60 y 119 s/n, tel/fax +542214236758, La Plata (C. P. 1900), Buenos Aires, Argentina.
  • Carlos Alberto Busso Departamento de Agronomía-CERZOS (CONICET), Universidad Nacional del Sur. San Andrés 800, tel/fax +542914595102, Bahía Blanca (C. P. 8000), Buenos Aires, Argentina.
  • Yanina Alejandra Torres Departamento de Agronomía-CERZOS (CONICET), Universidad Nacional del Sur. San Andrés 800, tel/fax +542914595102, Bahía Blanca (C. P. 8000), Buenos Aires, Argentina.
  • Oscar Alberto Montenegro Chacra Experimental Patagones, Ministerio Asuntos Agrarios-Buenos Aires. Ruta nacional 3 Km. 942, tel +542920461144, Carmen de Patagones (CP8504), Buenos Aires, Argentina.
  • Leticia Soledad Ithurrart Departamento de Agronomía-CERZOS (CONICET), Universidad Nacional del Sur. San Andrés 800, tel/fax +542914595102, Bahía Blanca (C. P. 8000), Buenos Aires, Argentina.
  • Hugo Dosindo Giorgetti Chacra Experimental Patagones, Ministerio Asuntos Agrarios-Buenos Aires. Ruta nacional 3 Km. 942, tel +542920461144, Carmen de Patagones (CP8504), Buenos Aires, Argentina.
  • Gustavo Dionisio Rodríguez Chacra Experimental Patagones, Ministerio Asuntos Agrarios-Buenos Aires. Ruta nacional 3 Km. 942, tel +542920461144, Carmen de Patagones (CP8504), Buenos Aires, Argentina.
  • Diego Bentivegna CERZOS, CONICET. San Andrés 850, tel/fax +542914566129, Bahía Blanca (C. P. 8000), Buenos Aires, Argentina.
  • Roberto Eric Brevedan Departamento de Agronomía-CERZOS (CONICET), Universidad Nacional del Sur. San Andrés 800, tel/fax +542914595102, Bahía Blanca (C. P. 8000), Buenos Aires, Argentina.
  • Osvaldo Alberto Fernández Departamento de Agronomía-CERZOS (CONICET), Universidad Nacional del Sur. San Andrés 800, tel/fax +542914595102, Bahía Blanca (C. P. 8000), Buenos Aires, Argentina.
  • Sandra Sonia Baioni Departamento de Agronomía, Universidad Nacional del Sur. San Andres 800, tel/fax +542914595102, Bahía Blanca (C. P. 8000), Buenos Aires, Argentina.
  • María Nélida Fioretti Departamento de Agronomía, Universidad Nacional del Sur. San Andres 800, tel/fax +542914595102, Bahía Blanca (C. P. 8000), Buenos Aires, Argentina.
  • Guillermo Tucat CERZOS, CONICET. San Andrés 850, tel/fax +542914566129, Bahía Blanca (C. P. 8000), Buenos Aires, Argentina.


Pappophorum vaginatum, seedling vigor, variability, phenotypic correlations


It was evaluated variability and phenotypic correlation in traits related to seedling vigor in two natural populations of P.vaginatum. They were weighted and sowed individually 100 caryopses of each population ("A"; "B"). After 43 days it was determined: lenghts aerial (LA), root (LR), total (LT) and longest adventitious root (Ladv), number of adventitious root (n°adv), of leaves (n°hoj), of senescent leaves (n°sen) and of tillers (n°mac) and dry weight aerial (PSA) and root (PSR). It was calculated total dry weight (PST), PSA/PSR and LA/LR. Variability was analyzed by means of descriptive statistic and t test. It was analyzed correlation among traits and multiple regression of traits on PST. Populations did not differ in PST (p≥0.05). "A" had greater (p≤0.01) PSA/PSR, LA/LR and LA. "B" had higher (p≤0.05) LR, Ladv and PSR. Both populations showed significant and positive correlation of PST with LA, LT, Ladv, n°adv, n°hoj y n°mac. The regression was significant (p≤0.01). The variability found within and between populations implies expectations of response to selection. PST varied only within populations suggesting the convenience of intrapopulation selection. The association found between the traits LA and n°mac and the seedling vigor, should be considered for the genetic improvement of the implantation.





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