Manuscript Structure

Language: English

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In English and Spanish no longer than twenty words. Also, a short title is required.


Authors´ full name, ORCID, affiliation, postal and e-mail address of every author.

Clarification: The authors should not appear in the file of the work, they should be loaded to the metadata of the system.


In English and Spanish, no longer than two hundred words. It will state precisely and briefly the purpose of the research, methodology, results and conclusions. It must not include background information, figures, tables or references.


In English and Spanish. It is recommended to consult specific thesaurus.


It must be brief and should include a synthetic updated revision of the topic knowledge with specific references to support it, establishing the aspects which have not been solved yet. The objective as well as the hypothesis must be specified in order to enhance the conceptual clarity of the work.

Materials and Methods

They must provide enough detail of experimental design as well as the sampling and statistical method, to allow other scientists to repeat the experiments.


The title in English and Spanish must be placed on top of the table. Each one will be self-explanatory, i.e., it will not be necessary to read the article to understand them. The information shown in tables must not be repeated in figures. Tables can only include data developed into the article. File format must be MS-Word (doc/docx), not as an image. Each field or data must be separated with tabs and never with space bar. The total width must not exceed 9.25 inches (15 cm). If there were footnotes, they should be written in English and Spanish in. The use of color is recommended.


The title in English and Spanish must be placed below them. If there were footnotes, they must be in English and Spanish. They must be self-explanatory and the information from the tables shall not be repeated in the figures. If the figure was designed with Excel, Corel Draw, Statistica for Windows, etc., the original file must be sent, besides the word processor version. Another possibility is to send the file in Windows Metafile (wmf) format.


They can only be included if they provide information which clarifies the content of the article. They must be clear and with high contrast. They must be sent as electronic tif or jpg files with not less than 300 ppp.


They must only be included if they provide essential information to understand the article.

Maps from Argentina must follow the rules from Instituto Geográfico Nacional IGN (National Geographic Institute).


They must be expressed clearly and precisely, using charts, tables, graphs, and figures, highlighting the most relevant aspects of the work.


In results interpretation special emphasis must be placed in agreements and disagreements with the theoretical framework. This section can be written separately or with the Results as a unit.


They must be short and show findings, solutions and/or concrete applications and uses. They must agree with the objective and hypothesis of the work.


All the citations in the text must be included. An alphanumeric system will be used, listing the references alphabetically by the first author. Such references will appear in the text with the corresponding number between parentheses.

Each citation must include the following information (see the examples)

- Reference number

- Author´s surname and initials

- Publishing year, specifying edition provided it is not the first one, e.g., 2001. 3rd edition

- Complete title in its original language. In case of Journals, first the title of the article and then the name of the Journal, the issue and/or number and pages of the article.

- City of Publication (country if necessary)

- Publishing house

- DOI (digital object identifier) if it corresponds

- For internet references specify author, year, title, URL (http:// www....) and date of access

- In personal communications the source (person´s name and year) must be quote in the text but must not be included in the reference list.


A brief and precise mention of each person or institution worth of acknowledgement can be included.

Other considerations

The complete scientific names will be mentioned the first time used. Thereafter they can be abbreviated as the first letter of the genus and the specific epithet without adding the authority. When first mentioned, the common name must be together with the scientific name. Latin expressions must be written in italics (e.g., et al, in vitro).

Chemical symbols can be used in the text (e.g., N for nitrogen) but only names to chemical formulas (e.g., water and not H2O). Abbreviations of common use such as ATP, DNA etc. can be utilized.

When mentioning quantities, they have to be stated in letters from zero to nine except when they are with measurement units or higher numbers are included (e.g., 2, 7 and 25 samples). Decimals are stated with a point.

To verify that all the requirements previously stated have been fulfilled, we recommend authors to check the control list.