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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The review is based on books or magazines that deal with the theme of the Boletín de Literatura Comparada.
  • Be original contributions of the authors and not be published, totally or partially, or on a waiting list in another publication.
  • Being of a scientific nature and/or academic, and framed in the perspective of Comparative Literature and its corresponding sub-fields, among them: the history of the discipline at a national and international level; travel literature, migrations and exiles; translation and self-translation studies; Thematology; Literary Imagology, the relationship between literature and other arts and disciplines; the relationship between literature and historical catastrophes; the literatures of minorities and literatures of the native peoples.
  • The submission file is in .doc or .docx format.
  • The text complies with the publication standards and guidelines published on this website.
  • Comply with international standards on conflict of interest and ethical standards.
  • Adhere to the Creative Commons license called "Attribution - Non-Commercial - Share Alike CC BY-NC-SA", through which the author allows the author to copy, reproduce, distribute or publicly communicate the work and generate derivative works, as long as it is cited and Please acknowledge the original author. It is not allowed, however, to use the work for commercial purposes.

Author Guidelines

Only original contributions will be accepted, not submitted simultaneously to another journal and that have not been previously published in any language or type of format. It is a fundamental requirement that they have a clear comparative focus. Acceptance of articles for publication is subject to arbitration by internal and external reviewers. The evaluation process is anonymous and double blind.

Contributions can be sent for evaluation by email, in .doc format, to any of the following addresses: or

The maximum length of the article is 7000 words. Each proposal must include the following elements in Spanish and English: title; 250 word abstract; five keywords. In a separate file, the title, author, institution to which it belongs with full name (not only acronyms) and email address that will be published must be sent.

critical apparatus

Quotations: when they do not exceed forty words, they are in the body of the text, between tall quotation marks and without italics. If they are longer, they are in a separate paragraph with a 2 cm left indentation, without quotation marks or italics.

Footnotes with running numbering.

Bibliographic references integrated in the text. Example: (González Fernández, 1998, p. 125-128). Do not use footnotes for these references.

The bibliography goes in a section at the end of the work, in alphabetical order and with French indentation.


Structure of the reference: Author (year). Qualification. City: Editorial.


Roig, Arturo Andres (2002). Ethics of power and morality of protest. Answers to the moral crisis of our time. Mendoza: Ediunc.

Arrighi, Giovanni and Silver, Beverly (2001). Chaos and order in the modern world-system. Madrid: Acal.

Chapter of the book

Structure of the reference: Author (year). Chapter title. In N. Surname (Ed./Coord./Dir., etc.), Title (p. xx-xxx). City: Editorial.


Quaresma, Valentina (2019). The comic at the crossroads of codes: A turma da Mônica/Mafalda. In M. Croce (Dir.), Comparative history of Argentine and Brazilian literature (Volume VI, p. 159-173). Villa Maria (Córdoba): Eduvim.

Scientific journal article

Structure of the reference: Author (year). Article title. Magazine, volume(number), page range.


Ennis, John (2021). Andrés Bello in London: the philological foundations of authority. Boletín de Literatura Comparada, 46(2), 37-68. Retrieved on 01/18/2022 from

Newspaper article

Structure of the reference: Author (date of publication of the article). Article title. Newspaper, section, page.


De Vita, Verónica (January 18, 2022). In 2021 Mendoza had the lowest number of fatalities in road accidents in the last 14 years. Los Andes. Retrieved on 01/27/2022 from the-last-14-years/


Structure of the reference: Author (year). Title [Thesis of bachelor's, master's, doctorate, etc., University].


Martínez Ribón, Jhonattan Guillermo Tercero (2011). Methodology proposal for the implementation of the Lean philosophy (lean construction) in construction projects [Master's Thesis, National University of Colombia]. Retrieved on 02/05/2022 from

Laws or legal documents

Structure of the reference: Official name of the Constitution. cited law. Date of promulgation (Country).


Constitution of the Argentine Nation. Law 26618, art. 42. July 15, 2010 (Argentina).

Presentation at a congress, symposium, panel, etc.

Structure of the reference: Author (date of the congress). Title of the work presented [lecture, conference, speech, etc.]. Event name, City, Country.


Tovar, Antonio (May 27-31, 1974). Current linguistics [opening address]. I Colloquium on Pre-Roman Languages and Cultures of the Iberian Peninsula, Salamanca, Spain.

Personal communication

Reference structure: Name, personal communication, date.


Gonzalo Puente Ojea, personal communication, February 19, 2001.

If the contribution contains reproductions of images, the author must be responsible for obtaining the corresponding reproduction permissions.

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.