The Decomposition of Nature according to the Works of Kathleen Ryan and Samanta Schweblin


  • Lucas Gagliardi Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Instituto Superior de Formación Docente y Técnica No9



contemporary art, Argentine literature, sculpture, still life, Kathleen Ryan, Samanta Schweblin


The aim of this work is to investigate a common concern in artistic representation: the decomposition of nature. We analyze two contemporary productions, one from the visual arts (Kathleen Ryan’s sculptures and installations) and the other, a literary piece (a novel by Samanta Schweblin). Coming from distant geographies, both artists thematize this decomposition in their respective productions, agains the background of the visual and literary traditions that precede them. Their works question the percentage of “nature” that persists in the environment that surrounds us as well as the interrelationships between subjects, objects, and environments. From a comparative perspective, the dialogue between the two shows similar concerns and artistic resolutions.


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How to Cite

Gagliardi, L. (2022). The Decomposition of Nature according to the Works of Kathleen Ryan and Samanta Schweblin. Boletín De Literatura Comparada, 1(47), 25–48.


