Hab Mut zum Glück: Approaches to the Literature of Livia Neumann





Exile, German-speakers, Publishing market, Argentina


The following article aims to analyse the work Hab Mut zum Glück! (1942) published by Livia Neumann in the publishing house Cosmopolita in the city of Buenos Aires. On the one hand, we aim to examine how this book transmitted a series of values and ideas that promoted and inhibited sex-gender behaviour and representations to its German-speaking readers in Argentina. On the other hand, to interrogate this book as a historical source able to exhibit the particularities and problems of the German-speaking community around the experience of exile during the Second World War. Finally, we propose to reflect on the insertion of this book within the editorial project based on the hypothesis that this work was a particular commercial venture within the general programme of a publishing house, aimed at the German-speaking and anti-Nazi public in Argentina.

Author Biography

Tomás Schierenbeck, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Universidad Nacional de La Plata

Tomás Schierenbeck es Licenciado en Historia por la Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Es becario interno doctoral de Conicet y estudiante del Doctorado en Estudios Sociales Interdisciplinarios de Europa y América Latina, promovido por la Universidad Nacional de La Plata en convenio con la Universidad de Rostock (Alemania).


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How to Cite

Schierenbeck, T. (2024). Hab Mut zum Glück: Approaches to the Literature of Livia Neumann. Boletín De Literatura Comparada, 1(49), 45–74. https://doi.org/10.48162/rev.54.031


