From the “Other” to the “I”. The Exile and Poetic Return of Pablo Montoya and Sanmao
Pablo Montoya from Colombia and Sanmao from China are two writers deeply influenced by travel and self-exile. Through their existential and poetic journeys, both demonstrated a profound interest in and concern for the identity of the “other”. In this process, they acquired a new and reflective perspective on the individual and cultural “self”. This study focuses on
Montoya’s novel Lejos de Roma (Far from Rome), with the poet Ovid as its protagonist, and Sanmao’s prose centered on her own life and reflections about the Sahara Desert. Based on theories concerning the relationship between the “self” and the “other”, we will explore how, through encounters with the “other” one can enter into a deep relationship and have effective communication with a culture of otherness. This progression culminates in a profound merging with otherness across all possible spheres, ultimately returning to one’s own cultural context but with a critical vision of transculturality.
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