Think tanks and the Ford Foundation in Argentina (1975-1983)


  • Peter Mitchell Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA) - Maestría en Estudios Sociales Latinoamericanos (MESLA)



international cooperation, philanthropic foundations, internationalization, political science


This article analyzes from a socio-historical perspective the role of the Ford Foundation in the funding, promotion, and exportation of the think tank model to Argentina between 1975 and 1983, in particular examining the relationship between the Foundation and two Argentine private academic research centers founded in 1975: The Center for Studies of the State and Society (CEDES) and the Center for Social Research on the State and Administration (CISEA). In analyzing the network of private academic research centers facilitated and financed by the Ford Foundation in Argentina during these years, this article examines the role of Foundation officials as "academic diplomats" for the internationalization of Argentine political science and the exportation of the think tank model to Argentina. In addition, it interprets and analyzes the repercussions of the Foundation’s academic diplomacy in the transformation of CEDES and CISEA’s role as think tanks during Argentina’s democratic transition.


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How to Cite

Mitchell, P. (2021). Think tanks and the Ford Foundation in Argentina (1975-1983). Estudios Sociales Contemporáneos, (24), 48–72.