The intellectual as a producer

between psychopolitics and neoliberal globalization


  • Carlos Alberto Navarro-Fuentes Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, México



neoliberalism, capitalism, globalization, psychopolitics, production


The fundamental objective of this work consists of reflecting on the interrelation between the concepts of globalization, neoliberalism and capitalism, expanding the reach and communicating vessels that they maintain with psychopolitics, being intellectual-academic production under the laws of capitalist production, a A sort of culture on which academic “workers” carry out their lives, shaping their actions and daily labors to survive, be 'successful' and move up the academic - and socioeconomic - ladder. Philosophical theses and relevant lines of thought of Byung-Chul Han are exposed, such as psychopolitics and its relationship with the functioning of contemporary capitalism. Likewise, authors such as Eagleton, Rorty, Gramsci, Lyotard, Lipovetsky and Sloterdijk contribute with his critical thinking to what is posed about the functioning of capitalism in material, symbolic, virtual, discursive and technical terms; and, the incidence that these ‘fields’ maintain with subjectivity, the production of knowledge and its dissemination. In this vein, Raúl Rodríguez Freire contributes significant aspects about the way capitalism and neoliberalism work within university institutions and academic research and teaching bodies, from where scientific and humanistic production takes place.


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How to Cite

Navarro-Fuentes, C. A. . . (2021). The intellectual as a producer: between psychopolitics and neoliberal globalization. Estudios Sociales Contemporáneos, (25), 239–257.