PhD training and long stays of Argentinian researchers

Tendencies in training, mobility and return among researchers from CONICET


  • Osvaldo Gallardo Instituto Multidisciplinario de Estudios Sociales Contemporáneos. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo



Academic Mobility, Internationalisation, CONICET, Argentina


This article addresses the main tendencies in the training and mobility of Argentinian researchers from the National Council of Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET) both in the country and abroad. Empirically, the first part of the universe of active researchers in 2005 (N=7905) is targeted to establish the main characteristics of its PhD training and its evolution in time and throughout the different scientific fields. On the second, international stays lasting longer than a year for a set of three field commissions of the Council (n=272) are specifically observed to complement the previous analysis with the changes in the period 1967-2015.

The results highlight the combination of numerous factors that must be considered in order to understand the internationalisation of the scientific paths. The general context of the country, the specific one of the of scientific production areas, the differentials in the postgraduate institutionalization through scientific fields and the institutional effects associated to the unequal structure of an heterogeneous academic field  appear as relevant dimensions that allow us to understand the frame of international and mobility training careers of researchers.


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How to Cite

Gallardo, O. (2021). PhD training and long stays of Argentinian researchers: Tendencies in training, mobility and return among researchers from CONICET. Estudios Sociales Contemporáneos, (24), 99–117.