Socratic Kierkegaard. Aesthetics, ethics and religion


  • Carlos Alberto Navarro Fuentes Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí



criticism, universality, crisis, ethics-aesthetics, faith, author


The objective of this work is to offer an overview of the important meaning that Kierkegaard's trip and stay in Berlin in 1843 implied, summarizing the intellectual climate of this city during the time he stayed there. We will explain how his work On the Concept of Irony served as a model for Kierkegaard to gain recognition as an unquestionably renowned author and thinker of the time. The “law of the excluded third” and its meaning will be defined; We will reflect on the themes of “Aesthete A” as a romantic ironist in “Diapsalmata” in Either/Or, as well as the reception that this last work had. Finally, a comparison is made between the universal and the singular in Fear and Trembling, analyzing the Danish author's perspective regarding the “paradox of faith.” The research concludes by demonstrating that Kierkegaard's aesthetic, ethical and religious thinking, as well as his "ironic philosophizing", could work as a methodological and epistemological imaginary to think critically about the current complexity of social life in the 21st century, beyond typical rationalist thinking of Modernity and its crisis at the end of the 20th century.


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How to Cite

Navarro Fuentes, C. A. (2024). Socratic Kierkegaard. Aesthetics, ethics and religion. Estudios Sociales Contemporáneos, (31), 282–303.