Roman and hebrew bases of Christianity around Suicide


  • Jorge C. García-Carbajo Universidad Nacional de Cuyo
  • Nuria Llugany Torres Universidad Nacional de San Luis


Suicide, death, Lacanian psychoanalysis, suicide typologies, Roman culture, Hebrew culture, Christianity


Several situations have led many people to make the decision to take their own life. This loss of the utopian impulse of that without which the rest vanishes has been the subject of many questions. Now, how do cultural frameworks influence these decisions of self-elimination? What principles and customs have the Hebrew and Roman cultures had about suicide? What kind of reception was there in primitive Christianity of these ideas and volitional dispositions?
In addition to having the aforementioned questions as articulating factors of the study, we proceeded to the identification of suicides in the field of Christianity and its classification according to different typologies, as well as a rereading of them according to their internationalities and the modalities in which the acting out takes place and the passage to the act according to the Lacanian psychoanalytic theory.
The goals pursued are part of a research project, which seeks to investigate in different cultures the conception of death and the semantic field, associated with it from a mythological perspective in a psychoanalytic key, and typifying suicides from the study of cases. For this purpose, a recognition of words related to suicide in the Hebrew and Latin languages was carried out, then a textual survey was fulfilled in classical Hebrew, Roman and Christian sources, as well as their associated discourses, the semantic fields connected with death were identified and suicide and, finally, we tried to reach to a typification, accompanied by a reading in Lacanian psychoanalytic key of the event that occurred, from the discourses examined.


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