Anglo-french intervention in the Río de la Plata: motivations and impact


  • Andrea Greco de Álvarez Instituto de Cultura Hispánica de San Rafael


imperialism, rosism, bourgeois monarchy, whigs, torys


European politics during the nineteenth century strongly influenced America and our country throughout our history. This work is framed in the first half of the nineteenth century. Of all the external conflicts that the Argentine Confederation had to face in the time of Rosas, probably the worst were the French blockade of the port of Buenos Aires of 1838-40 and the Anglo-French blockade of 1845-49.
This paper is distributed in three parts: in the first part we analyze the European motivations of imperialist penetration, in the second we observe the regional media repercussion of events and in the third, the consequences for national politics.
About methodology we have applied the historical-critical method, reading and comparing primary and secondary sources which have allowed us to arrive at the conclusions we summarize here; we have also employed specific techniques from the new history of the press. The work is part of a larger research on Cuyo journalism in the first half of the nineteenth century.
We hope to be able to demonstrate how the European interventions generated the reaction that allowed finding a great policy favorable to the national interest.


Fuentes primarias

Ilustración Argentina (1849) Mendoza, 1 de agosto, n. 3, p. 88, col. 2.

El Honor Cuyano (1846) San Juan, 12 de febrero 1846, p. 8, col. 2.

El Honor Cuyano (1846) San Juan, 7 de marzo, n. 3, p. 4, col. 2.

El Honor Cuyano (1846) San Juan, 5 de setiembre, n. 14, p. 5, col. 1.

El Honor Cuyano (1846) San Juan, 30 de octubre, n. 17, p. 5, col. 2, p. 6, col. 1 y 2.

Bibliografía Consultada

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