Syria Poletti, an inmigrant with a traveler's look
Poletti, Inmigrant, Traveler, (Auto)biography, ArgentinaAbstract
Syria Poletti is an Italian immigrant who arrived in Argentina in 1938, when she was 21 years old. After learning Spanish, she wrote her entire literary production in that new language. Due to this uniqueness, the author did not hesitate to conceive herself as an Argentine writer. In her first novel, Gente conmigo (1962), Poletti fic- tionalized elements of her biography and constructed a particular discourse where, in addition to recovering her experience as an immigrant, she also incorporated her gaze as a “European traveler”, judging by the inclusion of interpretive images about Argentina and the nature of its inhabitants. Based on this hypothesis, the objectives of this work will be: to trace the three perspectives from which the author produces
–as an Italian immigrant, as a “European traveler” and as an Argentine writer–; analyze the trip based on a reconfiguration of her identity and, finally, identify the strategies she deploys to deliver her interpretation of Argentina
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