Biographical Notes of Queen Teresa of Portugal (? – 1130)


  • Mariane Godoy da Costa Leal Ferreira Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro


Queen Teresa, Portucale, Count Henrique, Battle of São Mamede, Biography


Developed in the field of Women's History, the main objective of this paper is to build a biography of Queen Teresa of Portugal based on Brazilian, South Ameri- can and Iberian historiography. Teresa was the bastard daughter of King Afonso VI of León and Castile and was, by designation of her father, ruler of the Portucalen- se County together with her husband, Count D. Henrique since 1096. This marriage was part of the matrimonial policy of the Castilian-Leonian king in relation to the region of Burgundy, where the Abbey of Cluny is located. With the death of her hus- band, she started to govern the territory as regent for her son Afonso Henriques. From 1121, she forms an alliance with the Galician Trava family, in particular with Fernão Peres de Trava, who will become her companion at this stage of her life. This association displeased the local nobility, who, supporting the Infante, expelled Te- resa from the Portuguese lands in 1128 in the Battle of São Mamede. From there, a gradual process of formation of a new independent kingdom of León and Castile under the command of Afonso Henriques began. Teresa died in exile in Galicia in 1130.


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How to Cite

Godoy da Costa Leal Ferreira, M. (2023). Biographical Notes of Queen Teresa of Portugal (? – 1130) . Revista Melibea, 17(2), 24–37. Retrieved from