The Franciscanism of Clare of Assisi:

A Comparative Analysis of the Sanctae Clarae Regula and Francis’s Regula Bullata (13th Century)


  • Andréa Reis Ferreira Torres Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro


Rules, Franciscanism, Clare of Assisi, Francis of Assisi, Leadership


The Franciscan movement developed from the 13th century onwards in the midst of a series of sociopolitical transformations and the emergence of new religious groups that had evangelical poverty at the core of their spirituality. Clare of Assisi, based on her ties to Francis, actively sought, throughout her life, to imple- ment the Franciscan proposal for female religious life. Over these years, it is pos- sible to see, through the records, Clare's role in constant debate with the papacy in order to meet the demands related to the institutionalization / normalization of the community of San Damiano in Assisi and still maintain what was essential in the Franciscan proposal. In this article, we propose a comparative analysis of Clare's and Francis' rules that received papal approval, with the aim of investigating Clare's role as a leader within the Franciscan movement.


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How to Cite

Reis Ferreira Torres, A. (2023). The Franciscanism of Clare of Assisi: : A Comparative Analysis of the Sanctae Clarae Regula and Francis’s Regula Bullata (13th Century). Revista Melibea, 17(2), 38–56. Retrieved from