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Public policies on transparency, citizen participation and collaboration for the development of an Open State platform in City of Mendoza




Open Government, Transparency, Citizen Participation, Collaboration


This paper attempts to lay the foundations of an Open State platform in local governments by developing the theoretical framework based on an exploratory study of a selection of the main bibliographical references and systematizing measures and actions on transparency, citizen participation and collaboration. From there, the theory is contrasted with the reality of the case study. The actions implemented place the City of Mendoza as one of the most advanced in the development of Open State, and this can be accounted for by its membership in the Open Government Partnership in its local program in October 2020; or its fourth place in the Open Knowledge Foundation Index on transparency in July 2021. The policies identified were higher than expected at the beginning of the work. However, they seem to lack political and institutional coordination, a recurrent problem in Public Administrations, which the notion of Open State could help to solve, providing a framework for coordination, planning, evaluation and normative justification.


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Author Biography

María Candela Grec, Universidad Nacional de Quilmes

Licenciada en Ciencia Polìtica y Administración Pública, de la Universidad Nacional de Cuyo y Maestrando en Gobierno Local, de la Universidad Nacional de Quilmes. Investigaciones sobre Gobierno Local, Gobierno Abierto. Actualmente, Responsable de Proyectos y Capacitaciones en la Dirección de Gobierno Abierto de la Municipalidad de la Ciudad de Mendoza.




How to Cite

Grec, M. C. (2021). Public policies on transparency, citizen participation and collaboration for the development of an Open State platform in City of Mendoza. Millcayac - Revista Digital De Ciencias Sociales, 8(15), 85–116.