Post pandemic and new consumption habits of audiovisual products: streaming, transmedia narratives and personalized experiences


  • María Laura Bolognesi Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo


Audiovisual production, transmedia, streaming, televisión.


In the post-pandemic era, the vertiginous advance of technologies accelerated the change in the consumption habits of audiovisual and cultural products, positioning streaming platforms above traditional television in the preferences of users. At the same time, transmedia narratives offer an immersive and expansive story for demanding and participatory audiences. These changes bring advantages and challenges that audiences must know to overcome the asymmetric relationships historically posed by traditional media.


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How to Cite

Bolognesi, M. L. (2023). Post pandemic and new consumption habits of audiovisual products: streaming, transmedia narratives and personalized experiences. Millcayac - Revista Digital De Ciencias Sociales, 10(18). Retrieved from