Cartographic traces as a method to describe the production processes of intra and intergroup subjectivity production



Procesos de producción de subjetividad - Memoria, verdad, justicia – Trazos cartográficos.


his work is inscribed, in general, in the line of our investigation about the modes of articulation between the processes of subjectivation, the Institutions and the Social Imaginary and, in particular, in the study of the processes of production of subjectivity of young people from Mendoza in relation to Memory, Truth and Justice from a concrete experience: the visit to the Space for Memory and Human Rights (EPM) ex D21. For this, in our research we work with high school students from public schools in the Province of Mendoza, in order to be able to visualize and analyze the psychic contents linked to the dictatorial processes of recent history that are activated in the young people during the visit, as well as to observe whether or not new productions of subjectivity are enabled from this experience.

The methodology consists of the use of two complementary devices. The first, in the temporary sense, is the instance of non-participant observation of the research team, during the guided visit to the EPM. The second is the development of a group activity that includes, in a relevant way, the participation of students through the technique/device of Dramatic Multiplication. Although the research is broader, in this writing, we will only describe the analysis of an experience carried out with students from a single institution. The conceptual framework from which we carry out our analysis are the developments of Gilles Delleuze, Felix Guattari and Ana María Fernández on the processes of production of subjectivity in a fundamental way, as well as the works of Kesselman and Pavslovsky on dramatic multiplication.


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Author Biography

Humberto López, FCPyS - UNCuyo

Lic. en Psicología. Formación de posgrado en Psicología Social, Salud Pública en Salud mental y Psicoterapia Psicoanalítca. Prof. Titular efectivo de Psicología Social y Psicología General. FCPyS. UNCUYO. Investigador categoría tres.  Áreas: Psicología Social. Imaginario social. Instituciones. Procesos de subjetivación. Salud mental. 



How to Cite

Rodriguez, C., & López, H. (2023). Cartographic traces as a method to describe the production processes of intra and intergroup subjectivity production. Millcayac - Revista Digital De Ciencias Sociales, 10(18). Retrieved from