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El envío de un artículo a Philosophia implica que es original y que no ha sido previamente publicado ni es evaluado contemporáneamente para su publicación en otra revista. De aquí que todo autor, previo al proceso de evaluación, deba declarar mediante la carta que se le remite, la originalidad y la cesión de derechos de su trabajo escrito. El hecho de que los trabajos hayan sido comunicados a sociedades científicas, o publicados en forma de "Resúmenes", no es un obstáculo para su publicación.
Normas de publicación
- Las citas seguirán el estilo Chicago para Humanidades (la bibliografía deberá enviarse en un archivo aparte), de acuerdo con los siguientes esquemas para nota al pie (para más detalles, ver
Libro: Nombre y apellido/s del autor, Título de la obra en cursiva (Lugar de publicación: Editorial, Año), página/s de donde se toma la cita.
Paul Ricoeur, Réflexion faite. Autobiographie intellectuelle (Paris: Esprit, 1991), 55.
Parte de un libro: Nombre y apellido/s del autor/es de la parte, "Título de la parte entre comillas", en Título de la obra en cursiva, editores (Lugar de publicación: Editorial, Año), página/s.
Evan Thompson, Antoine Lutz y Diego Cosmelli, "Neurophenomenology: An Introduction for Neurophilosophers", en Cognition and the Brain. The Philosophy and Neuroscience Movement, ed. Andrew Brook y Kathleen Akins (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005), 40-97.
Artículo de revista: Nombre y apellido/s del autor, "Título del artículo entre comillas", Título de la revista en cursiva volumen de la revista (Año de publicación): página/s de donde se toma la cita.
Anna Berenguer, "Simone Weil: descifrar el silencio del mundo", Stromata II (1998): 35-83.
Apellido del autor, forma abreviada del título en cursiva, número de página.
Ricoeur, Réflexion faite, 25.
En el caso de dos notas seguidas pertenecientes a la misma fuente, se utilizará Ibid. seguido de coma y del número de página si difiere respecto de la nota anterior.
Paul Ricoeur, Réflexion faite. Autobiographie intellectuelle (Paris: Esprit, 1991), 55.
Ibid., 60.
-Notas: la extensión será entre 4 y 11 pp., incluidas las notas al pie del documento que seguirán el mismo criterio que para los artículos. También se seguirán las instrucciones vigentes para los artículos en cuanto a la reserva de la identidad del autor, el resumen y las palabras clave.
GILBERT HOTTOIS, Le paradigme bioéthique, Louvain, De Boeck, 1990, 214 pp.
Artículos y notas: deberán presentarse con:
Se entiende que el autor ha revisado el texto; esto significa su aceptación para ser impreso en las condiciones en que lo envía. No habrá corrección posterior por parte de los autores.
Guidelines for authors
- The papers must be sent in electronic format, saved as a Word document or rtf, by e-mail to, with copy to
. Reception of all texts will be acknowledged by an e-mail reply.
- All papers are submitted to the evaluation system. The decision will be communicated as soon as possible.
- Languages: The papers can be written in Spanish, French, Italian, English, or German. The editor cannot undertake a linguistic revision of the texts; thus, the manuscripts which are not written in the author’s mother tongue should be sent already revised by a native language speaker.
- The whole text with notes (at the end of the page) must not exceed 20 pages, in type 12 (Times/Times New Roman, or similar font), with a 1, 5 line spacing and with sufficient margins. The notes can be paged, with 1 line spacing, in type 10.
- The text of the article must not identify the author’s name. This information and the author’s affiliation must be included in the text of the e-mail message.
- After the Title, the paper must include an abstract of no more than 100 words, in the original language and Spanish or English, and up to 4 key words in both languages.
- Long quotations in the body of the text can be presented in a separated paragraph, indented, and in type 10.
- Bibliographic References must be included in the footnotes. The References must be sent in a separate file.
- Notes must be numbered automatically and are to be presented as footnotes.
- Italics are to be used only for short Latin expressions or titles of books.
- Apart from italics no other graphic presentations will be permitted (such as bold, underlined, full words in capital letters, or abnormal line spacing, etc.)
- Common abbreviations are allowed, preferably in their Latin form: f./ff. (folium, folia), v (verso), r (recto), c. (circa), Lib. (liber), q. (quaestio), d. (distinctio), a. (articulum), sol. (solutio), vd. (vide), cfr., op. cit., id./ead., ibid., e.g., ed., eds., p./pp. The use of other kind of abbreviations is not allowed.
- If special fonts are used (Greek, Hebrew, Arabic, or transliterations with special characters), you must send the font file.
- The text must be ready for print. Substantial or long revisions will not be permitted.
Citations in notes
All citations must comply with the following indications and guidelines:
- The bibliographic information should allow a complete identification of the quoted text or study.
- The first citation must be complete. The following citations should be abbreviated in a clear manner.
- Do not write words or names in ALL CAPS.
- Citations must follow the Chicago Style for Humanities as follows (for more details and differences between footnotes and references, see:
Paul Ricoeur, Réflexion faite. Autobiographie intellectuelle (Paris: Esprit, 1991), 55.
Part of a book:
Evan Thompson, Antoine Lutz y Diego Cosmelli, "Neurophenomenology: An Introduction for Neurophilosophers", in Cognition and the Brain. The Philosophy and Neuroscience Movement, ed. Andrew Brook and Kathleen Akins (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005), 40-97.
Anna Berenguer, "Simone Weil: descifrar el silencio del mundo", Stromata II (1998): 35-83.
Ricoeur, Réflexion faite, 25.
Paul Ricoeur, Réflexion faite. Autobiographie intellectuelle (Paris: Esprit, 1991), 55.
Ibid., 60.
-Notes: The extension must be between 4 and 11 pp., included footnotes. They must also be presented anonymously. Mutatis mutandis the other indications concerning articles for quotations, citations, abstract and key words apply for notes.
- Reviews: The extension must be between 1 and 3 pp. The review must provide the book’s author name, full title, place of publication, publisher, year, ISBN and number of pages. The review has not footnotes or references. All references must be inserted into the text. The name of the author of the review will be at the bottom.
- The reviewer must provide the book’s author name, full title, place of publication, publisher, year, ISBN and number of pages.
- PhD thesis summaries: The extension must be between 1 and 3 pp. Authors must have completed formal PhD graduation within the preceding 2 years. Submissions should include the complete name of the author, full title of the thesis, official name of the University and academic department, date of thesis defense, and names and affiliations of thesis supervisors.
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