Romulus and Remus: from Horace to Saint Augustine and to Saint Leo the Great


  • María Delia Buisel Universidad Nacional de La Plata


Romulus and Remus, Primigeniam Guilt, Expiation, Saint Agustin, Saint Leo the Great


In Horacio's poetry, the idea of an initial offense against divinity in the foundation of Rome arises with the death of Remo by his brother. For Horacio and Virgil the expiator is Octavio Augusto, a descendant of Venus, who with his political work will pacify the Roman orb and pay the foundational guilt.

This approach was retaken in later reflections by several authors and by some SSPP such as saint Agustín and saint Leo the Great. The Hiponense deconstructs the initial myths of the history of Rome rationalizing their incongruities and errors before the accusation to the Christians of having banished the pagan gods and their cult.

 Saint Leo the Great founding twins and a local redemption and expiation of St. Peter and St. Paul, added to that of the One Redeemer, for having died martyrs in the caput mundi.


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How to Cite

Buisel, M. D. (2020). Romulus and Remus: from Horace to Saint Augustine and to Saint Leo the Great. Revista De Historia Universal, (22), 15–38. Retrieved from



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