The image of Justice in the Attic Nights of Aulio Gellius and its subsequent iconological evolution


  • Elena Calderón de Cuervo Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo


Justice, Iconology, Aulio Gelio, Rome, emblematic


Within the framework of the description of justice made by Aulio Gellius in Book and Stoicism until reaching the Renaissance. It is in this last period where she finally acquired all the elements with which she is recognized today: the nubile young woman, the sword, the scales and the blindfold. In this way, an attempt was made to demonstrate and notice how the elements that were progressively added correspond to the Christian worldview of the act of judging.

Author Biography

Elena Calderón de Cuervo, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo

Dra. en Letras por la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad Nacional de Cuyo.


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Ripa, C. (1971). Baroque and Rococo. Pictorial Imagery. The 1758-60 Hertel Edition of Ripa’s “Iconología” Introduction, translation and 200 commentaries by Edward A Maser. Dover Publications.

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How to Cite

Calderón de Cuervo, E. (2023). The image of Justice in the Attic Nights of Aulio Gellius and its subsequent iconological evolution. Revista De Historia Universal, (28), 37–48. Retrieved from



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