On the notion of true philosophy in Augustine of Hipona


  • Analía del Valle Manzur Universidad Nacional de Salta. Facultad de Humanidades


Saint Augustine, philosophy, Christianity, homily, wood of the Cross


One of the objectives of this work is to rediscover the apologetic and evangelizing value of textual discourse, both oral and written, through Saint Augustine's homilies, based on his work Commentary on the Gospel of John. Through a meticulous analysis of the Gospel of John, Saint Augustine employs analogies and metaphors to explain and delve into the biblical text, aiming to enable the listener to understand, love, and genuinely live the essence of Christianity.

This work exerted a powerful influence during the medieval period. However, it transcends its time and remains highly relevant today. Among the contributions of Augustine of Hippo, two stand out: on one hand, the harmonious and necessary relationship between philosophy and religion, between reason and faith; on the other, the insufficiency of the former to achieve the ultimate purpose revealed by the latter. The author presents the necessary solution for attaining the ultimate goal of the person as proposed by Christianity.


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How to Cite

Manzur, A. del V. (2024). On the notion of true philosophy in Augustine of Hipona. Revista De Historia Universal, (30), 93–103. Retrieved from https://revistas.uncu.edu.ar/ojs/index.php/revhistuniv/article/view/8412



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