The thomistic Concept of Nature as a Propaedeutic to the Study of the political Community: an aristotelian Heritage


  • Jorge Martínez



Nature, essence, Politics


One of the most important concepts in Aristotelian philosophy is that of nature. This is very useful even in its political use, since nature can be considered as the essence from the dynamic point of view. In fact, “nature” is one of the meanings of “being” for the Stagirite. In the reception of Aristotle by the Latin West, this concept retains all its metaphysical-practical significance. Thomas Aquinas, in his appropriation of the concept, obtains from it some benefits that are still outlined in Aristotle, but it is evident that the ethical-political scope of "nature" finds in Thomas Aquinas an enrichment derived from a broadening of his teleological perspective. Thus, without denying the essentials of the Aristotelian use of "nature", Thomas Aquinas manages to articulate this notion in the broader finalistic perspective proposed by Christianity.


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How to Cite

Martínez, J. (2022). The thomistic Concept of Nature as a Propaedeutic to the Study of the political Community: an aristotelian Heritage. Scripta Mediaevalia, 15(1), 139–168.


