The Topological Position of Plotinus and the Metaphysical Beginning of Medieval philo-SOPHIA


  • Fernando G. Martin de Blassi Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Universidad Nacional de Cuyo



absolute difference, Plotinus, hypostatic procession, self


This paper aims to understand the metaphysical originality of the plotinian philosophy, by responding to a reading favored by the Enneads. It is adopted for the analysis of the texts a topological and not merely historiographic interpretation criterion. From the doctrinal point of view, the Plotinus’ rational thought is considered as the first satisfactory answer to the unprecedented historical irruption of the medieval principle about the absolute difference between the first cause and its effects. The munificent power of the One-Good, transcendent even to the categorical order, demands a conversion of intelligence, insofar as the intelligible substance constitutes itself only when it turns towards its own origin. In this sense, even if the first principle is made known through vestiges, it is not for this reason that it is dispersed in the multiple but that it conserves the world through an incessant donation of being.

Author Biography

Fernando G. Martin de Blassi, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Universidad Nacional de Cuyo

Prof., Lic. y Dr. en Filosofía por la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Se desempeña actualmente como docente del Departamento de Filosofía de la unidad académica mencionada y como becario posdoctoral del Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (Argentina).


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How to Cite

Martin de Blassi, F. G. (2022). The Topological Position of Plotinus and the Metaphysical Beginning of Medieval philo-SOPHIA. Scripta Mediaevalia, 15(2), 41–73.


