Fiction theories in Boccaccio and his relation with Macrobius and Petrarch


  • Alejo Perino Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentina)



Boccaccio, Macrobius, Petrarch, fabula, fiction


The present work aims to analyze the Boccaccio's defense of poetry in the last two books of the Genealogie deorum gentilium in connection with its main source, the types of fabulae that Macrobius exhibits in his Commentarii in Somnium Scipionis. Throughout the analysis we will demonstrate that Boccaccio's classification looks for to incorporate into the fabula statute a type of fiction that cannot be interpreted allegorically, but instead it fulfills the function of comforting the afflicted souls. On the other hand, although Petrarch's ideas about poetry include reading modes that point to the same goal, they cannot be assimilated to Boccaccio’s, since they reproduce the difference among the high and the low which is already in Macrobius’s work. In this way, Boccaccio's theory of fiction is shown as an original rewriting in regard to the others mentioned before.

Author Biography

Alejo Perino, Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentina)

Licenciado en Letras y becario doctoral por la Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentina)


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How to Cite

Perino, A. . (2022). Fiction theories in Boccaccio and his relation with Macrobius and Petrarch. Scripta Mediaevalia, 15(2), 215–249.


