Standpoint and scope

Scripta Mediaevalia is a semestral publication (prints its issues in july and december) that belongs to the Centro de Estudios Filosóficos Medievales that depends from the Instituto de Filosofía de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras from the Universidad Nacional de Cuyo (Mendoza, Argentina), and tries to make known the latest scientific investigations in the medieval thought area.
In this specific field, border researchers study, whose main subject is the confluence of disciplines such as philosophy, history, theology, literature and some others. These contributions are far from being vague, they achieve a holistic and, specially, realistic view of The Middle Ages, period in wich the disciplinary divisions, that came with Modernity and now seem to be insuperables, did not exist.

Scripta Mediaevalia publishes articles, reviews and notes refered to the historical-philosophical area and also other specialities related to the medieval culture.