The spanish civil war: history through fiction


  • Gladys Granata de Egües Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo


History, Literature, Spain, Civil War


The Spanish Civil War that lasted the triennium 1936-1939 was the subject of a vast narrative production developed over several decades. With the restoration of the constitutional monarchy and the implementation of democratic mechanisms, the narrative took other directions in order to overcome a phenomenon that was a trigger and anchor of the Spanish novel for more than three decades. Although the War and the Postwar era were not forgotten, the new novelists, born mostly in the fifties and sixties of the twentieth century, tried to develop new themes in their narrative and overcome realism, experimenting with forms and contents to leave room for literature that no longer needed to be testimonial. However, with the new millennium - with some precedents at the end of the 1990s – the Civil War as a theme re-emerges with unprecedented force and becomes a literary and editorial phenomenon that still remains. The purpose of this work is to analyze this phenomenon through ideological, political, editorial and commercial aspects that have made possible this revival and that have the readers´ approval. The methodology to use will be the research of analogies in literature with the context that produces them.


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