Aspects of the war in micen societies

among the archaeological /anthropological contributions and the literary sources


  • Roberto R. Rodríguez FHCS-UNPSJB-UNPA-UASJ


Age of Bronze, Mycenaean, war, iconography, archaeology


Our purpose is to make an approximation, from an interdisciplinary perspective, on the Mycenaean World at the end of the Second Millennium B. C. (XVI-XIII centuries).

Traditionally, based on literary sources (Homeric poems) and dominant archeological interpretations, it has been argued that Mycenaean societies (also called "Achaean") were predominantly warlike. In recent decades, thanks to interdisciplinary contributions such as Anthropology and Sociology, and renovations in archaeological interpretations, this monolithic vision has fallen into disuse.

In this paper we try to understand the idea of "‹"‹"war" as a varied phenomenon, inherent in these statehood or perhaps just complex societies of the Bronze Age. To do this we will use archaeological information (available to us), without forgetting the descriptions of the Homeric epics and the iconographic contributions, as the images (shaped in ceramics and murals) will help us to understand how these societies lived in situations of conflict.



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