Theodosius the Great and his Diplomatic Policies with the Visigoth barbarians: factors of Integration or Breakdown of the Roman Empire?


  • Yanela Araceli Pereyra Universidad Nacional de Cuyo


Theodosius I, Roman Empire, diplomatic policies, Visigothic barbarians


This investigation is a first approach to the study of diplomatic policies between the Roman emperor Theodosius the Great and the Visigoth barbarians. Its reason lies in the analysis of some measures adopted by the emperor regarding these peoples, decisions that continued with the process of gradual assimilation of the barbarians already begun in the years preceding Theodosius.
At first, the fourth century opened the way for Christians previously persecuted to be progressively assimilated by the Empire, thanks to the work of Constantine and Theodosius. On the other hand, this century was also characterized by the increasing penetration of the barbarian peoples outside the Roman limes into the Empire.


Fuentes primarias

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ZÓSIMO. (1992). Nueva Historia. (J. M. Candau Morón, Trad.) Madrid: Gredos.

Bibliografía Consultada

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