The setting must be effaced. Core-periphery conflicts in the setting of IV Maccabees


  • Roberto Jesús Sayar Universidad de Buenos Aires. Universidad Maza. Universidad Nacional de La Plata


Historiography, Hellenistic Judaism, Old Testament Apocrypha, Fictionalization, Comparative literature


In the historiographical production of the people of Israel, a number of references used to build a plausible setting for crucial past events stand out. This network of allusions recurs in narrative frames to legitimize the events recounted as having actually taken place. This procedure is especially adopted when the story being told actually happened in a relatively near past. This is the case of the Books of the Maccabees, which recount events taking place immediately after the attempted forced Hellenization of the people of Israel under king Antiochus IV. In this paper we undertake the analysis of the fourth Book, as this one does not include the “objective” locations alluded to in the other books. We believe, and will seek to demonstrate, that this omission is necessary insofar as it foregrounds a conflict around a dilemma, whose center is the City of Jerusalem, but whose resolution is accomplished forcibly in Antioch, the seat of the royal power. In this way, a central location in the Seleucid administration is relegated to the periphery so that Jerusalem can logically take its place in view of the absence of a clearly recognizable centrality. This categorial shift is due to the exemplum that is central in this book, whose evidently ethical-moral nature must have as background the only place in the world in which lessons of this kind are legitimately possible.

Author Biography

Roberto Jesús Sayar, Universidad de Buenos Aires. Universidad Maza. Universidad Nacional de La Plata

Es Licenciado y Profesor de Enseñanza Media y Superior en Letras, FFyL–UBA; Diplomado Universitario en Asuntos Docentes (UMorón) y magistrando (UNLP). Ha publicado dieciséis capítulos de libros, dos traducciones y trece artículos sobre temas de su especialidad (exégesis bíblica e intertextualidad). Se desempeña además como docente en cursos de extensión dependientes de la SEUBE-FFyL-UBA y en establecimientos educativos de nivel medio.


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