Frankfurt School, de-colonial thinking and their complementary weaknesses: towards a universalism from the South


  • David Gomes Universidad Federal de Minas Gerais


Frankfurt School, Universality, Criticism, Global South, De-colonial thinking


In this essay I analyze critical thinking, more specifically, some of its limits and possibilities, based on a dialogue between the Frankfurt School and the de-colonial thinking. My hypothesis is that the Frankfurt School studies have an important critical potential that goes beyond the limits of the North; but as long as they are incapable of perceiving the implications of their theoretical ideas beyond the northern borders adequately, these works are unavoidably limited and lack complementation. The recent organization of a great group of authors around the concept of "coloniality" is an alternative that also leads to an important source of critical work of thinking. However, the refusal of all kinds of universality can inadequately limit the de-colonial thinking in some of its strongest features. Thus, I propose the concept of a universalism from the South.


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Author Biography

David Gomes, Universidad Federal de Minas Gerais

David Gomes es Profesor de la UFMG (Minas Gerais, Brasil), en los cursos de Ciencias del Estado y de Derecho y en el Programa de Posgrado en Derecho. Doctor en Derecho por la misma institución. Su eje de investigación es la teoría social y su relación con la teoría del derecho y la teoría de la constitución.



How to Cite

Gomes, D. (2020). Frankfurt School, de-colonial thinking and their complementary weaknesses: towards a universalism from the South. Millcayac - Revista Digital De Ciencias Sociales, 7(13), 419–440. Retrieved from



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