Childbirth as a political and sensitive dispute: maternal trajectories in the “Parir” documentary (Florencia Mujica, 2017)




Women, Motherhood, Childbirth, Documentary Film, Violence


Between the law, the health system, the bodies and the aesthetic-visual economy that governs the media and culture, and in the liminal zone of the family, there is a “place” of collision, coupling, fitting and / or blurring between the public and the private: childbirth. What happens when an intimate -related to personal autonomy-, and at the same time intensely domestic and family decision, such as how one chooses to give birth, is affected, intervened by the State, by science, by the institutions and the market, under the dominance of patriarchy? How does vernacular cinema sensibly construct that tension? Articulating the contributions of gender and family studies, with cultural history and film studies. In these pages I reflect on the tensions between the public and the private based on the figurations of motherhood(s) and the experience of childbirth, taking as a case of analysis the “Parir” documentary, by Florencia Mujica, released in 2017. It traces the diverse and complex journeys of three cis heterosexual women in a stable relationship during the last months of their pregnancies: localized and intersected journeys that display beliefs and performances associated with gender, pregnancy, childbirth and motherhood. If putting into images is a way of putting into speech and making visible, making a certain cultural phenomenon thinkable and existent, if images are a place of dispute that imagines and constructs the social, I am interested in seeing the way in which this documentary is capable of thinking about gender and influencing, in a more or less critical way, the public sphere and the fight for rights of pregnant women — and people —.


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Author Biography

Maria Aimaretti, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Universidad de Buenos Aires

Es Doctora en Historia y Teoría de las Artes por la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Licenciada y profesora en Artes Combinadas, diploma de honor 2009. Fue becaria doctoral del CONICET (2010-2014) y becaria postdoctoral (2015-2017). Actualmente es investigadora adjunta por el mismo organismo. Es docente concursada en la cátedra de Historia del Cine Latinoamericano y Argentino (2013 a la actualidad), y ha brindado seminarios en universidades nacionales y el Instituto Mora de México. Actualmente participa del grupo de estudios “Arte, cultura y política en la Argentina reciente” coordinado por Ana Longoni y Cora Gamarnik. Es autora del libro Video boliviano de los 80. Experiencias y memorias de una década pendiente en la ciudad de La Paz (Buenos Aires, Milena Caserola, 2020). Es investigadora en los institutos Gino Germani y Artes del Espectáculo, ambos de la UBA. Sus áreas de reflexión son, por un lado, las relaciones entre arte y política en América Latina, a propósito de las representaciones de la violencia, la historia y la memoria; y por otro, las vinculaciones entre cultura popular y cultura masiva en el cine argentino, atendiendo especialmente a las figuraciones de lo femenino.



How to Cite

Aimaretti, M. (2022). Childbirth as a political and sensitive dispute: maternal trajectories in the “Parir” documentary (Florencia Mujica, 2017). Millcayac - Revista Digital De Ciencias Sociales, 9(16), 72–87.