Them Trans-Transvestite Theories: Genocide and meritocracy of desire


  • Fede Luna Buccio Lima FCPyS, UNCuyo


Trans, Travesti, Epistemology, Identity, Theory


An approach to the field of Latin American trans-transvestite theories is presented (Wayar, 2018). Here, the problematic is accounted for: questioning of an identifiable subject for the reproduction of social relations of domination. For its explanation, the concepts of Trans-Transvestite Genocide by Lara Bertolini (2021), Epistemic Violence by Blas Radi (2020) are introduced, and the figures of Cis Teleology and meritocracy of desire are developed to problematize the ideological operations of determination of identity and enclosure of desire. The objective is to synthesize a conceptual platform as a state of the question.


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How to Cite

Buccio Lima, F. L. (2023). Them Trans-Transvestite Theories: Genocide and meritocracy of desire. Millcayac - Revista Digital De Ciencias Sociales, 10(18). Retrieved from