Decadencia e incompetencia política: un círculo vicioso


  • Vicente Palermo CONICET - Sociedad Argentina de Análisis Político


Clase Política, Élites Políticas, Hiper representación, Antipolítica


This essay explores the casual link of two common places, crystallized between the conceptions of the society today, Argentine decadency and the incapacity of its political class. The analysis of the aptitude of the political class in the long term, based on a set of hypothetical variables that guarantee its virtuous development, allows us to account for the influence of XX century specific contexts on the making of its main features. The trajectory illuminates the current political scene, marked by antipolitics and hiper representation.


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How to Cite

Palermo, V. (2023). Decadencia e incompetencia política: un círculo vicioso. Millcayac - Revista Digital De Ciencias Sociales, 10(19). Retrieved from