Land-title regulatory policies: state intervention, representations and tenure recognition

The case of La Matera, Quilmes town


  • Javier Nuñez Universidad de Buenos Aires



Land-title regulatory policies, Informal tenure, Social representations , State capacities


Land-title regularization policies have been increasingly implemented in Argentina since 1990, being usually differentiated from integral regulatory policies. They tend to have a partial implementation, frequently leaving the land-title regularization incomplete. Nevertheless, the emission of certificates of domain, although not equivalent to titles, generate appropriations that exceed the initial policy goals. The social representation of these programs is central to understand the complexity of the state's presence in the territory, the transformations of space and the tenure’s acknowledgment modalities. The article studies the social representation of these policies from inhabitants of a neighborhood in the Quilmes Municipality, a regularization case that may be considered mixed. So it has focused on the meaning that people had given to the different state policies, the recreation of the tenure’s informality and how social representations reconstruct the state’s capacity of tenure regularization, even beyond the extent of public policies. The research followed a qualitative approach, recurring to semi-structured interviews and considering different profiles of household trajectory, which tend to have affinities with diverse modalities of representing the regulatory process.


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How to Cite

Nuñez, J. (2022). Land-title regulatory policies: state intervention, representations and tenure recognition: The case of La Matera, Quilmes town. Proyección. Estudios Geográficos Y De Ordenamiento Territorial, 16(32), 84–112.