Sensory data analysis crushed tomatoes with fuzzy logic and multivariate techniques


  • Matilde Inés Césari CeReCon (Centro de Investigación en Computación y Neurociencia). Facultad Regional Mendoza. Universidad Tecnologica Nacional Rodriguez 273. 5500. Mendoza, Argentina.
  • Nancy Beatriz Ventrera Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Dpto. de Ciencias Enológicas y Agroalimentarias. Cátedra de Bromatología. Alte. Brown 500. Chacras de Coria. Mendoza. Argentina. M5528AHB
  • Adriana Gámbaro Universidad de la República. Facultad de Química. Cátedra de Ciencia y Tecnología de Alimentos. Sección Evaluación Sensorial. Avda. Gral. Flores 2124. C.P.11800. Montevideo. Uruguay


sensory evaluation, tomato, sensory data, sensometrics, fuzzy logic, correlation analysis


All data collection and analysis techniques, generated in the sensory evaluation, constitute a branch of the statistic called sensometry. If it is taking into account the vagueness and uncertainty with which human perceptions are manifested, the most appropriate strategy for obtaining precise knowledge from subjective evaluations is to transform the sensory data through fuzzy mathematics. However the potential of fuzzy reasoning, there are currently few references about the application of fuzzy logic in sensory evaluation, and there are no harmonized and systematized criteria and methods for objective sensory evaluation and reproducibly in plant foods. The results obtained in sensory tests of crushed tomato allowed to expose a methodological framework for the sensometric analysis of fuzzy data with the use of fuzzy logic and methods of multivariate analysis of data. In this way the techniques in the sensorial tests are optimized, and thus the process of sensorial analysis is renewed, developing a specific area that will improve the economic value in the Argentinean food production.





Agroindustrial technologies

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