Not People, women

Reflections on archaeology, women, and community at Luxor, Arab Republic of Egypt


  • Maria Bernarda Marconetto Instituto de Antropología de Córdoba. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Argentina



archaeology, women, fertility


This paper offers a reflection on the relationship between women who inhabit the communities in which we work and what we define as archaeological materialities. Along these lines, I discuss our place as researchers within communities in which, on many occasions, the experience of being a woman is different. Starting from a previous analysis of a particular type of design and the obscuring of some representations and hieroglyphics due to repeated contact with hands, I will describe a powerful relationship between women, conception, and archaeological objects and sites in the area of Luxor in the Arab Republic of Egypt. I also discuss practices and discourses of the academic community around women, past and present.


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How to Cite

Marconetto, M. B. (2021). Not People, women: Reflections on archaeology, women, and community at Luxor, Arab Republic of Egypt. Anales De Arqueología Y Etnología, 76(2), 253–277.