Civic and religious architecture of a small Spanish American city of the sixteenth century in Central America:

The cross and the sword in Ciudad Vieja de San Salvador




San Salvador, Central America, urban layout, architecture, social reproduction


The first permanent foundation of the town of San Salvador dates to 1528. After the foundation, many indigenous allies and their families stayed to settle in and near the town. The town of San Salvador is known today as the archaeological site of Ciudad Vieja. Archaeological investigations have yielded a wealth of data relevant to this urban center as a socially produced and socially constructed space. The urban layout with its main square, streets, and structures of different kinds define the spatial core of the zone of social reproduction. The sociospatial distribution of the residences resulted in a hierarchical pattern with Spanish dwellings within the urban grid and indigenous houses on the periphery of the town. The first villa of San Salvador had the physical shape and appearance of a small Spanish town with Hispanic spatial layout and architecture but a small Spanish population and a very large indigenous population. Detailed studies of the landscape and the architectural remains of the town form the basis of more focused analysis, as in this case, a material dialectic analysis of the cross and the sword through a comparison of civic architecture and religious architecture of Ciudad Vieja.



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How to Cite

Fowler, W. R. (2023). Civic and religious architecture of a small Spanish American city of the sixteenth century in Central America: : The cross and the sword in Ciudad Vieja de San Salvador. Anales De Arqueología Y Etnología, 78(1), 179–211.


