Women and philosophy at the University of Chile in the 60s: the contribution of Patricia Bonzi and Eliana Dobry


  • María José López Universidad de Chile


Philosophy, University of Chile, Women, History of women, History of the 60's.


In the present article, we will make a brief historical journey until the formation of the generation of the 60s, women philosophers at the University of Chile, who begin their early careers as assistants and later as teachers. We focus this study on two outstanding figures of that decade: Eliana Dobry and Patricia Bonzi. In them there is a combination of traits that until now have been proposed as excluding for the time: the dichotomy between the professionalization of philosophy versus the commitment to social and political reality (Jaksic, I. 1983). Contrary to this characterization, these women are, two examples that question the dichotomy between the academic and the political, and, also jeopardize the distinction between being mere teacher-readers and creative philosophers and researchers (Sánchez, C. 1992)


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Author Biography

María José López, Universidad de Chile

Académica del Departamento de Filosofía, Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades, Universidad de Chile.


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How to Cite

López, M. J. . (2019). Women and philosophy at the University of Chile in the 60s: the contribution of Patricia Bonzi and Eliana Dobry. Cuyo. Anuario De Filosofía Argentina Y Americana, 36, 15–38. Retrieved from https://revistas.uncu.edu.ar/ojs/index.php/anuariocuyo/article/view/3514