The philosophical interest on education in the journal Philosophia under the direction of Diego Pró (1944-1947)


  • Leonardo Visaguirre Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET)


Discipline, Education, Journal Philosophia, Christian Humanism, Catholic fundamentalism


We focus on the first period of the journal Philosophia of the Institute of Philosophy and related disciplines of the School of Philosophy and Literature, National University of Cuyo, in order to outline the initial positions of the Christian humanism and its tensions regarding the orthodox Catholicism close to fundamentalism. We take specifically the period under the direction of Diego F. Pró, numbers 1 through 8, from 1944 to 1947. We limited our study to this period because of the greater number of pedagogical articles published in it. We are interested in the philosophical-pedagogical works by Vieyra, an example of Argentine Christian philosopher of the XXth Century and who holds theoretical positions related to neo-scholastic Thomism, Hispanism, nationalism, and religious and political conservatism. From a critical epistemological analysis of his theoretical assumptions we unravel the consistency and the role of his discourse in the journal and in the philosophical-pedagogical discussions of that time. As a conclusion we reflect upon the risks of thinking about reality with allegedly universal and neutral theoretical concepts, which in fact become an epistemological obstacle that hides the context, the history, and the power relations underlying the epochal knowledge problems that have to be solved.


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Author Biography

Leonardo Visaguirre, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET)

Profesor de Filosofía, becario doctoral de CONICET. Investiga en el área de la Filosofía práctica y la Historia de las ideas latinoamericanas, INCIHUSA-CONICET.


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How to Cite

Visaguirre, L. (2018). The philosophical interest on education in the journal Philosophia under the direction of Diego Pró (1944-1947). Cuyo. Anuario De Filosofía Argentina Y Americana, 35, 67–88. Retrieved from