“As if there were no King”: orphanhood, rights and the demand for justice (17th century, Potosí)



Gabriel Fernández Guarache, mita, captain general, absence, justice


The article analyzes a set of documents gathered in the "Big Petition", presented by the chief cacique and general captain of the towns of the Province of Pacajes (17th century) Gabriel Fernández Guarache (1661). The approach is carried out around his gaze on the oppressive work in the mines of the mitayos and about the economic hardships suffered by the general captains taking into account the political dimensions. We give an account of the look that is built around politics, the relationship of the chiefs and Indians with the authorities and especially, that web of political imaginaries that are established between the request for justice in the face of grievances and the feeling of orphanhood regarding the King. We try to show how discourses and actions that reaffirm perspectives on freedom, rights and autonomy are being wielded and reinforced, in a non-linear or necessary way.


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Author Biography

Esteban De Gori, Universidad de Buenos Aires; Universidad Nacional de San Martin

Sociólogo. Doctor en Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de Buenos Aires. Investigador del Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET). Profesor en la Universidad de Buenos Aires y en la Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Especialista en discursos e imaginarios políticos (siglos XVIII-XX). Autor del libro: La república patriota: Travesías de los imaginarios y de los lenguajes políticos en el pensamiento de Mariano Moreno (Eudeba, 2013). Autor de artículos en revistas nacionales e internacionales. Dirige diversos equipos de investigación.


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How to Cite

De Gori, E. (2023). “As if there were no King”: orphanhood, rights and the demand for justice (17th century, Potosí). Cuyo. Anuario De Filosofía Argentina Y Americana, 42, 69–89. Retrieved from https://revistas.uncu.edu.ar/ojs/index.php/anuariocuyo/article/view/7127