Mexican autobiographical collections


  • Humberto Guerra Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Xochimilco


Mexican autobiography, Collections, Medio Siglo Generation, Contemporary Mexican Literature


This article discusses the caractheristics of the four autobiographical collections of Mexican authors. The first two (Jóvenes escritores mexicanos del siglo XX presentados por sí mismos and Los narradores frente al público, 1 & 2) are linked to the need to break the strict rules of structuralism that forbade the investigation of authorial subjectivity while the notion of the modern subject entered into crisis. Afterwards, the first descriptive work of Mexican autobiography is exposed. Thirdly, the text analizes the collection Cuerpo presente that brings together authors from different generations, but predominantly of those who begin to publish in the 1970s and 1980s. Finally, the examination of Trazos en el espejo, examines the autobiographical works of authors who at the time of publication did not exceed 40 years of age and already had published works of creation. The particular examination of each one of the collections tries to show the thematic, stylistic, cultural and existential changes that are transformed with the passage of time while enriching the autobiographical Mexican literary corpus      


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How to Cite

Guerra, H. (2017). Mexican autobiographical collections. Cuadernos Del CILHA, 18(2), 73–93. Retrieved from