Cohort-based study on tendencies in realism


  • Lucas Rimoldi CONICET


Realism, Cohort, Life Span Theory


This paper studies a group of avant-garde writers/directors/actors from
Argentina. For the study of groups of artists and their production and as an alternative to
the idea of generation, we propose to use the concept of cohort (Mason and Wolfinger). This
allows us not only to describe the mentioned group more fully and accurately, but also to
understand mechanisms that explain its production and dynamics. We investigate the
revisiting of realism in an experimentalist field, through demonstrably effective
methodologies for collecting and analyzing data. Life Span Theory (Baltes) and case studies
(Flybjerg) allows us to consider and include the authorial figure in our discussion without
resorting to simple biographism. We question the eventual or expanding nature of this
realistic tendency and its correlation with the persistance of realism in other areas of
Argentine literature.


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How to Cite

Rimoldi, L. (2016). Cohort-based study on tendencies in realism. Cuadernos Del CILHA, 17(2), 38–50. Retrieved from