Desert, capitalism and macho values: conjunction of the feminicide forces in "The part about the crimes" of 2666


  • Rosario Pérez Bernal Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México
  • María Luisa Bacarlett Pérez Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México
  • Sonja Stajnfeld Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México


Feminicides, Non-place, Desert, Misogny, Male chauvisnism


The geographic-politic-economic-social location of Santa Teresa, the town-protagonist of the novel 2666 by Roberto Bolaño, is conspicuous; the present essay analyzes the feminicides described in "The Part About the Crimes" of this novel from the perspective of the spatial location that contains key implications on the cultural conditions and the ethical values of the described society. The concept of non-place of the anthropologist Marc Augé, who proposes that in the transit spaces the values are fluctuating; the desert, of values, as of emotions and empathy, the notion developed by the philosopher Gilles Lipovetsky; and male chauvinism and misogyny explicated by the chicana writer and essayist Gloria Anzaldúa, contribute to comprehend the existence of a specially fecund environment for the phenomenon of the feminicides. 


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How to Cite

Pérez Bernal, R., Bacarlett Pérez, M. L., & Stajnfeld, S. (2015). Desert, capitalism and macho values: conjunction of the feminicide forces in "The part about the crimes" of 2666. Cuadernos Del CILHA, 16(1), 14–33. Retrieved from


